{Rooted} “Restless” Study – Chapters 9, 10, & 11: The Project, Immovable Fabric, & the Starting Place

Hello Rooted Ladies,

This week, my awesome co-leader, Karina Allen, developed the discussion questions for our study of “Restless”  by Jennie Allen. I have posted them below.

Chapter 9: The Project

Yeah, so this chapter brought some tears. I just think that I am a bit overwhelmed at what God might show me in this whole process of sorting through my threads. On page 75, Allen talks about God untangling our souls, stories, gifts, etc… I LOVE that! I often make a mess when I try to figure things out on my own or try to make something happen. Continue reading

The Perfect Opportunity to Make More Friends Who Love God

inRL 2014

inRL 2014

Hello there!! Today I have a message worth shouting from the rooftops! Ladies, please go register for the (in)RL  Webcast  on April 25 & 26, 2014

This webcast is put on by (in)courage.me, a site created to connect real women who love Christ and desire to follow him. I found this site very early in my Christian walk and was immediately drawn in by the womens’ voices, which were so real, warm, and authentic. There were blog posts by women who tell it like it is. Sometimes this walk is hard and messy – but it is mostly beautiful and rewarding. And we get more of God each time we show up and pray to Him.

Since finding the site, I also became an (in)courager for the site’s community groups. I still can’t believe I was given this opportunity. I love to read God’s word and share it with others so I lead a group called Rooted: Women Rooted in God’s Word, Drawing Closer to Christ, with co-leader, Karina Allen. This ministry has been such a blessing in my life. And I believe it has blessed the women that participated too. {Psst: You can join this group too. Registration begins next Monday, January 20 – check my site or (in)courage.me for details!}

Anyway…. this webcast allows women from all over the world to get together in real life. There are even women opening their homes to host the get togethers. It’s going to be fabulous. Although I didn’t go last year, I am hoping to go this year (if I have my babysitting act together for the little one on his way)! I’d love to make new friends who love God as much as I do.

So, check out the video invitation and then SIGN UP!! You will be so happy that you did.  Click here to register. And if you register today, you have a chance to win tickets to the Allume conference and the IF: Gathering. BONUS!

wishing you hope, love, and new friends today,


{She Reads Truth} A Fresh Start & God’s Renewal

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone is having an amazing 2014 already. This year I hope to blog more often and connect with more readers. And more importantly, I hope to become even closer to God. 2013 was a crazy busy year. I am still experiencing the fruits of that year – like waiting for my baby to be born (which will be soon).

I’ve returned to one of my favorite places to get closer to God and his word and that is by participating in She Reads Truth. Since finding that web site about a year and a half ago, it has really helped me to deepen my relationship with the Lord. So, I am definitely trying to make time and space for SRT in my prayer life this year. It would be great if you would join us.

She Reads Truth has just launched a new plan. It is called “A Fresh Start.” I don’t know about you but this theme is perfect for my life right now. God always allows us (beckons us) to start anew with Him. So, it is also no surprise that our  Day 1 and Day 2 bible readings were in Genesis – chapters 1 & 2. Both chapters showed us how God created everything. He is our Creator. He knew the end of the story in the beginning.  He knew we would sin but still gave us life and always loves us. This thought is just too powerful for words.

There is one author

God also created both man and woman in His image. (Genesis 1:26-27). and he didn’t exalt either sex over the other or devalue the other sex. As  a woman, I found these bible verses so comforting and life affirming. One sex is not better or greater than the other. Thank you God!

I was also challenged by the same affirming verse. If we are created in God’s image, what does it mean? My study bible came in handy here. It said that (1) we are reflections of God’s glory; (2) we have the ability to reflect his character in love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness; (3) it is the basis for our self-worth. So if God created me in his image, I have to live up to that. I need to work on being more loving, patient, forgiving, kind and faithful.

I also realized that if we are created in God’s image, we have God’s power in us (the Holy Spirit). Genesis 2:7 says that “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”  God breathed us.

God created the entire world with his thoughts and words. And the bible often talks about the power of our words and the renewing of our minds. Being created in God’s image gives us the ability to create through our thoughts and words because of God’s power in us. It is a God working through us. We should be very mindful and prayerful about our thoughts and words this year.  This is my goal and prayer.

The Old is New

I’m left with feeling so thankful for God’s constant love and renewal.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Cor 5:17.

Thank you SRT and God for giving me this message. I’d love to hear what is on your hearts and in your minds as you begin 2014. Do you feel a sense of renewal? Are you praying to become closer to God too?

Praying for God’s renewal,

{Rooted} “Greater” Study – Weeks 11 & 12: Open My Eyes & Strike The Water

Hello Rooted Ladies,

Welcome to our final week of the “Greater” study. I can’t believe the study has come to the end. Wow! The time flew by! Our last post is from my awesome co-leader Karina Allen.

Chapters 11 & 12: Open My Eyes & Strike The Water

These two chapters were a STRONG end to this book!!! In order to live a greater” life we need a change in our perspective and we need to prepare ourselves to walk out that life. Those are things totally in our control. We can decide on those things. I took these chapters as a charge, a charge to be intentional about surrounding myself with people who are striving to live a “greater” life and looking through eyes of faith. I am so grateful that God is patient with me. He will never leave me or give up on me. He sees my greater” future, the one that He planned for me.

When our hearts and flesh fail, may we learn to press in to God’s amazing strength. His power is available to us because He loves us and knows that we cannot live out this life on our own. He has good purposed for us.

I pray that all of us rise up as we close the cover of this book. The mantle is ours! It is up to us to heed God’s voice, walk out our own faith and discover how He wants to use our gifts.  Whatever season you are in, submit to God and let Him do a greater work there.

“Dream bigger. Start smaller. Ignite God’s vision for your life.” – Steven Furtick 

1. Which 5 people have the most access to your life? How are they encouraging or discouraging in your attempts to live a greater life?

2. Elisha prayed that God would open the eyes of a companion to see the army of heaven. Would you say that the eyes of your heart are open to seeing God’s almighty power? Why or why not?

3. What would be different in your life if you were living as if you really believed that you have infinite power and potential because of God’s being within you? How would you think differently? What would you do differently?

4. What does it mean for you to strike the water and move into the greater future God has planned for you? Identify your decisive next step.

5. How do you feel about going for “greater” in your life? Are you ready? What are you excited about?

6. How do you think your “greater” life will affect your family and close relationships? Your work, schooling or other everyday routine? Your spiritual life?

7. What do you hope to see God accomplish through you?

It has been a huge joy to walk this journey with all of you! We cannot wait to see the “greater” lives that await!

In Christ,

Karina (& Hope)

{Rooted} “Greater” Study – Week 5: Digging Ditches

Hello Rooted Ladies,

We are running, no we are “springing forward” into Week 5! I hope everyone has adjusted to the time change and that reading “Greater”  is bringing joy, courage, and closeness with God to your lives. This week, my co-leader Karina Allen, gratiously agreed to write this post. Woo hoo! She’s the woman!

Digging Ditches

Okay, so I definitely teared up during this whole chapter! This was a good one! If we took an honest look at our lives, we would see how true this chapter is in our lives. We don’t think big enough and we don’t start small enough. Because of that, we settle for less than, for just enough.

Lysa’s story was SO inspiring! I just love how she was sensitive with God’s Spirit to hear Him and then step out in faith and obey even though she didn’t know what lay on the other side of her obedience. Opposition, feelings of inadequacy or insignificance and frustration are often mixed in with the preparation needed for us to step into the greater that He has for us. Lysa didn’t let that stop her. She pressed in. She worked. She took small steps. Then, there was a big reward. That reward strengthened her faith and brought glory to God!

My biggest takeaway from this chapter was Furtick’s quote that said, “Show me your faith, and then I’ll show you my faithfulness.”

The Bible is filled with if /then statements. He doesn’t need our help to accomplish “greater” in our lives but He wants us to be a part of what He is doing. I pray that we would be willing to step out, trust and do a little work.

1. Which has been a bigger problem in preventing you from experiencing a greater life — not thinking big enough or not starting small enough?

2. What small steps and practical preparations is God asking you to make for the greater life He wants you to live? (Actions, prayers, words, even thoughts)

3. What do your actions or lack thereof in smarting small say about your faith in God?

4. The ditches are to make room for the rain God will send. What kind of new blessing do you think God wants you to make room for in your life?

Love in Christ,

Karina (& Hope)

{Rooted} “Greater” Study – Week 1: Steve and Me

Hello Rooted Ladies,

I’m writing this post to you on the day of Love – Valentine’s Day!! Today must truly be God’s day. I’m super excited because we are kicking off our first set of discussion questions for “Greater: Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life” by Steven Furtick. {And for those of you just finding out about our group, it’s not too late to join! Just leave me your Facebook info in the comments.}

I’m overjoyed to read this book because I’m a super planner. Extreme Type-A person who always wants to know what’s going to happen and works really hard to make things happen. And I’ve realized lately that maybe, just maybe, I’m not living the plan that God designed for me. And I know that the smallest thing that God could plan for me to do would be bigger, and much greater, than anything I could ever do on my own. That’s why I have to read this book. I want some of that God-greater wisdom, power, and relationship in my life. {Does anyone know what I’m saying?}

Greater book

So Furtick begins this book in such an awesome, honest, and relatable way. He talks about the power of Steve Jobs’ life and the introspection that it caused for him. Steve Jobs made Steve Furtick think about being greater in God.

1. Could you all relate to the impact of Steve Jobs story? Or is there someone else’s life that you’ve witnessed or read about that seems so impactful/life-changing? A life that really matters?

2. What was your immediate reaction to John 14:12?

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. he will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12

What is Jesus asking or telling us to do? Did you honestly feel like He’s calling us to be greater with Him through His Spirit within us?

3. Discuss a time when you found yourself wishing you were accomplishing more in life that really matters. What caused your discontent?

4. As you think back over your Christian life, what has been your most grandiose (and unachievable) pipe dream about doing something great for God?

5. Steven says, “We wake up one day to find ourselves stuck in miserable mediocrity.” Is that true for your life right now? If so, describe how you are stuck in mediocrity.

6. What’s your reaction to this book’s concept of greater (as opposed to grandiose greatness and mediocre good enough)? Does greater still seem vague or unattainable? How does it affect your perspective on the future?

7. If you already have an idea of what greater thing God might have in mind for you, what is it?

8. Are you ready to open your imagination to the possibility that God has a vision for your life that is greater?

9. On pages 11-12, Furtick lists many ways in which God can make your life greater than the labels. How many can you relate to?

I love that Furtick asks us to pray the prayer about faith (p. 11) and later tells the small groups the following: As a group, decide that you’re going to be there for each other in your pursuit of greater. Begin by praying for one another, asking God to open your eyes to the greater things He has in store for each of you

The memory verse for this week: John 14:12

I’m super excited about praying this prayer of faith for God to show all of us the greater things He has in store for us. I’m looking forward to seeing how God moves in our lives as we draw closer to Him and his vision for our lives. And I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, prayers, questions, and reflections on this first chapter.

wishing you prayers full of faith, hope, and God’s vision for your lives,

Hope & Karina

P.S. If you are interested in more, check out Steven Furtick’s sermon 1.

Greater – Sermon 1

Join My (in)courage Book Club and Read “Greater” by Steven Furtick

Hello Ladies and welcome!!

You are warmly invited to join Rooted: Women Rooted in God’s Word, Drawing Closer to Christ. Please join us on a journey to grow closer to God by reading and studying God’s Word. Together we will read the bible, Christian bible study books, as well as Christian living books.

God’s word is alive, active and should be lived out in our lives. As a member of Rooted, you should expect to grow, flourish, and be transformed – both individually and collectively.

Greater bookThis session, we have chosen Greater: Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life. by Steven Furtick. We believe that God has placed dreams in our lives to achieve His purpose and makes us better – in fact greater.

Check out this video!

This book will help us become as God intended us to be. Please join us on this journey to discover how to ignite God’s vision for our lives.

Our group is pretty simple. We’ve created a private Facebook group to share our reactions and thoughts on the book. {To join, email Hope or write a comment in this post with information on your Facebook page, and you will be added.} Each week we will read a few chapters and have a commentary post with discussion questions to get the conversation started. It is our hope that each of you will feel moved to comment on the book and how God is moving in your life. {The full schedule is below.} Oh, what a great journey this is going to be!

And in case you are curious, here is a little about us.



Karina Allen

Although originally from New Orleans, Karina now lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While pursuing her undergraduate degree at Louisiana State University and teaching preschool, she found her passion for Christian counseling and life coaching for junior high, high school, and college aged girls. Her dreams also include writing devotionals and an autobiography. She loves books, the bible, and of course, bible studies. She is excited about the group because she loves seeing how God knits hearts together online!




The other half of this duo hails from San Francisco, California. After graduating from law school, Hope moved from sunny Los Angeles to Northern California for a new job. Not a stranger to moving, Hope has lived in Colorado, Texas, Maryland,Virginia, North Carolina, California, and even small stints in England, Indiana, New York, and Philadelphia for education and career pursuits. Yet, despite all the moves, she has found a home in Christ and a deep sense of comfort in her faith. Her passions include reading and studying God’s word. And, as a former journalist, Hope dreams of writing books, renaming herself “Hope” (her favorite word), and learning more about herself in God’s eyes. She is documenting her spiritual journey at her web site, HopeJoyPeace.com.

So, please join our group, and pick up your copy of Greater. And in the meantime, please feel free to contact either one of us with questions or comments.

Your sisters in Christ,

Hope – 4hopejoypeace@gmail.com
Karina – karina268@ilovejesus.net

Greater wide

“Greater” Reading & Chatting Schedule

Each week’s questions will be posted here on this site as well as on the Facebook group on the Monday for each week! Please feel free to read ahead. And no worries if you fall behind. This journey should be fun and flexible. The chapters are short, easy to read, but very thought provoking. We suggest journaling your thoughts as you read – and of course, posting them here!

Week 1: Week of Feb. 12: Chapter 1

Week 2: Week of Feb. 18: Chapters 2

Week 3: Week of Feb. 25: Chapter 3

Week 4: Week of Mar. 4: Chapter 4

Week 5: Week of Mar. 11: Chapter 5

Week 6: Week of Mar. 18: Chapter 6

Week 7: Week of Mar. 25: Chapters 7 & 8

Week 8: Week of Apr. 1: Chapter 9

Week 9: Week of Apr. 8: Chapter 10

Week 10: Week of Apr. 15: Chapter 11

Week 11: Week of Apr. 22: Chapter 12, Epilogue

Note: this schedule may be modified.

{Five Minute Friday} Bare

Ecclesiastes 3:11, Click for Source

Ecclesiastes 3:11, Click for Source

{Today I’m joining the wonderful LisaJo of thegypsymama and a beautiful community of bloggers for the 5 minute Friday writing prompt. Today the word is BARE.}

Lately, I’ve been feeling very bare.

I think my daily surrendering to God has something to do with it. For the first time in my life, I am addressing my fears, mistakes, and errors in front of God.

Yes, I know that He sees it all. The bible tells us so. And frankly, in my relationship with Him, I know that He knows. I can tell by what I learn in prayer and what just appears in my path. {You all know what I’m saying, right?!}

But I do believe there is something to be said for laying it all in front of him – going bare. And there is a special intimacy created by giving everything to Him – your good, bad, and really, really ugly.

Yes, I think my relationship with God has been strengthened by being painfully honest about my life. Sometimes it is really hard though … and I wait for the healing. And in some areas, I am still waiting.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV

The beauty I’m discovering is that God meets us wherever we are. And I know that He will make it all beautiful in its time. And for this, I am so thankful.

 He creates beauty in our “bareness.” Thank you God.

wishing you hope, joy, and peace,


Five Minute Friday

P.S. There will be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on my blog on Tuesday, February 12th. Please check back!

{Five Minute Friday} Afraid

{Today I’m joining the wonderful LisaJo of thegypsymama and a beautiful community of bloggers for the 5 minute Friday writing prompt. Today the word is AFRAID.}

Honestly, I am afraid that I will not live God’s plan for my life. His plan is guaranteed to be so much bigger, better, and awesome… and just plain holy! (Can plain and holy even go together?) Yet, there are times when I know that I am doing my plan or just muddling around in the dark.

Lately, I’ve been sincerely praying to God to show me His plan for my life. My mission. My ministry. How I can help build His Kingdom. I am asking God to reveal to me how I can be used by him each day, every moment to his Highest Good, which I know is mine too.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

My prayer:

Dear God,

Please give my life a sense of purpose. I surrender my life to you.

“Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom?” (I heard Marianne Williamson share this prayer on Oprah and I thought this was so fantastic.)

I know that if I am following God’s purpose for my life that I will never feel afraid.

wishing you hope, joy, peace and purpose,


Five Minute Friday

Happy New Year Pie

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Pie

Happy New Year Pie

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Many of you may have been wondering where I have been or what has happened? And I honestly don’t have a better answer than – I got a little scattered.

I’m not one for making excuses because I don’t believe in them. However, I do believe in explaining myself. Since the end of October, I started a new job. And with this new job came a new way of living. I now have an “imposed” working schedule, which I was somewhat unaccustomed to. For the past 5 years, I essentially set my own schedule. I was either in grad school and working on my journalism pieces or in law school and working around my classes. Yet, even with the set classes, I felt as though on most days I was in control of my day and most importantly my time.

And then I had this wondrous break between the bar exam completion and starting work. And although I wanted my job to start, mainly because I was looking forward to a paycheck, I relished my last days of true freedom. I cherished my last moments of controlling my schedule, which for me meant dedicating large chunks of time to being with the Lord. I would spend the entire morning reading the bible, doing bible study, journaling and blogging. And I honestly felt like I was experiencing heaven on earth. {I may have been!}

So, now I am struggling with having to be somewhere {work} at a certain time and my 40-45 minute commute. And I will be honest. It has been a struggle for me and I have been resisting…. the change. I have longed for my life before the job. But more than ever, I longed for my beautiful, sunny Los Angeles {especially when it rains here in Northern California}. I’ve been praying about all of this. Heck, I’m still praying about all of this.

My prayer has been that I need Jesus to come into my heart and soften it. I need the Holy Spirit’s energy within me to allow me to relax into my new rhythm. And I’ve been praying, asking, and affirming that it will be so. {And a couple of bible verses have helped me along the way.}

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us and eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 ESV

And I believe that Jesus has heard and answered my prayers. No, I don’t now have a love affair with San Francisco, or rejoice when it rains. But God is now allowing me to see more beauty in the Bay Area, appreciate the rain, and slowly {very slowly} settle into my new routine and commute.

I don’t know how you all are with change, but I have an interesting relationship with it. I am one of the first people to make changes in my life because I am not scared of change. In fact, I’ve been told that I courageously take risks that others wouldn’t dare to take {that’s because I have God}. Yet, admittedly, the changes don’t always come easy.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5 ESV

Yet I realize that I don’t have to deal with any of these changes, and feeling scattered, and on my own. I have God. I can lean on Him. He will get me through this time of change. And these times of change have a point – to remind me that I need to lean into Jesus. I need to rely on God and the Holy Spirit who dwells in me.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

I constantly need these reminders. And I constantly need prayer and alone time with God.

So, dear readers, please pray for me and with me. My prayer is that I beautifully and peacefully adjust to my new life rhythm. That the Lord wakes me up in the morning (even earlier) so that I can spend even more time with Him. And I pray that God continues to awaken me to the power of his love and grace, and the futility of worry and trying to do things on my own. I pray that God continues to use me as a servant to tell his message of hope, joy, peace, love, grace, and forgiveness on this site. And so it is done in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Meanwhile, I have started planning some exciting things for this blog for 2013. One of the upcoming things is a new (in)courage.me bible study, where we will be studying Greater by Steven Furtick. I’m so excited about it. Get your book now! There will be more details to come.

I’m looking forward to continuing to share my journey with God in 2013!

wishing you much hope, joy, and peace,
